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4 Key Factors That Can Affect the Cost of Dentures

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 1:03 pm
Close-up of hands holding full dentures for bottom arch

When you have lost multiple teeth, dentures can be used to re-complete your smile so that you can once again chew all kinds of foods and speak with clarity. Naturally, you will want to know how much you can expect to pay for dentures before you commit to getting them. The cost can vary from patient to patient based on their circumstances. Here are 4 factors that could influence the price of your prosthesis.


Can I Reline My Dentures Myself?

September 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 6:41 pm

Upper and lower denture held in female’s handsDentures have changed quite a bit over the decades. New materials and technologies allow them to fit better than ever before, so you may forget you’re wearing them. However, your dentures will lose their fit over time because your mouth will change. Your dentures must be relined regularly to avoid slipping and irritation. Although there are over-the-counter kits, here’s why it’s better to leave the adjustments to professionals.


5 Foods That Foster Dental Implant Longevity

August 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 7:41 pm
Some examples of foods to eat and some to stay away from for dental implant longevity

If you’re a foodie and just happen to have dental implants, today is your lucky day. Your dietary choices can play a crucial role in ensuring your implants last as long as possible, and this list of 5 fresh foods will help you get started on a new journey.

Read on to explore how these specific foods can promote the health and durability of your dental implants while tasting incredible.


A Link to Tooth Decay: The New Bacteria on the Scene!

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 1:32 pm
a cartoon of a tooth getting eaten by bacteria

Two of the biggest culprits of tooth decay are starch and sugar. These two ingredients, if left unchecked, can easily lead to cavities. This is because the germs in your mouth will start to feed on your enamels, wearing them down over time. However, while there are over 500 kinds of bacteria around your smile, recent studies have found a new species that is closely associated with decay. Read on to learn about it and what you can do to protect your pearly whites.


Can Dental Implants Rust?

July 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 4:34 am

Model of a titanium implant postYou don’t have to settle for less than the best when treating your tooth loss. A dental implant is the only method to replicate both the root and the crown. A titanium post is surgically inserted into your jawbone to serve as a new root. Your bone will fuse to it through a process called osseointegration, providing unmatched support for your restoration that will be connected using an abundant. Although you might worry the implant will rust because your mouth is moist, there’s no reason to fret. It’s very unlikely for titanium to rust, and here’s why.


Can Depression Lead to Tooth Loss?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 4:22 am

Depressed woman sitting by a windowDid you know that 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from anxiety disorders? Not only are anxiety levels at an all-time high, but 1 in 10 Americans battles depression. Unfortunately, 80% of people with depression aren’t being treated. Not only can this be detrimental to your mental health and quality of life, but it can also increase your risk of tooth loss. A new study has found a connection between poor dental health and patients with depression and anxiety. 


Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

June 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 10:38 pm
patient wondering if dental implants can get cavities

Considering dental implants to fill gaps in your smile? Dental implants are a reliable, long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth and preventing oral health issues. However, it’s crucial to understand their unique traits in relation to cavities compared to natural teeth. Read on to discover if dental implants are susceptible to cavities and learn valuable insights on maintaining your new and improved smile.


How Do You Know When Your Tooth Pain Is a Dental Emergency?

May 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 2:13 am
a man holding the side of his face due to facial pain

Other than keeping up with your oral health routine, your teeth may not be something you think of often. Although they help you to eat and speak with ease, and even give shape to your face, it’s easy to not give them a second thought. However, as soon as a toothache appears, your pearly whites became a major priority! But when do you know it’s time to go to the dentist with tooth pain? Here’s what to know about when your toothache requires being seen by an emergency dentist and when it doesn’t.


4 Reasons to Improve Your Smile with Dental Implants This Summer

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 12:16 am
a woman smiling while looking at her dental implants in the mirror

When you have missing teeth, it becomes a top priority to restore your smile. As you were searching for the best tooth loss solution, you most likely discovered that dental implants are it! They are considered the gold standard since they replace your teeth from root to crown. As you are considering filling your gapped smile with implants, it may be best to do it as the summer begins. Read on to learn four reasons why getting dental implants during the summertime is beneficial for you.


5 Tips to Keep Your Smile Bright & Healthy This Summer!

April 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsongfm @ 10:52 pm
a group of friends with healthy and beautiful teeth smiling at the beach

Since summertime is when many people take vacations, it is sure to bring relaxing days by the beach and quality time with family and friends. While it’s wonderful to take it easy and get a much-deserved break, it’s still important to keep up with your oral health. You don’t want to have a cavity or other dental issue to keep your smile from shining brightly this summer. Read on to learn five ways to keep your teeth and gum in their best condition while you enjoy summer 2023!

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